Fall Tree Program

Providing Free Trees to Newporters to support a vibrant urban forest.

Our Fall Tree Program offers FREE trees to Newport residents. Beautify your home and join us in planting for the future by adding a new generation to Newport’s urban forest.

We will begin accepting applications for our 2024 Fall Tree Program on AUGUST 15TH.

How to Request a Tree:

  1. Browse the list of available trees below

  2. Submit your application (button below)

  3. NTC will review all applications on a rolling basis. Priority will be given to residents of Newport’s Health Equity Zone and first-time recipients

Receiving Your Tree

  • NTC is planning delivery for all trees during the final week of October and first week of November. Please do not submit an application if you are unable to receive or plant the tree after the delivery date.

  • NTC is proud to partner with TJ Brown to accomplish our planting goals & to provide free planting services for a limited number of applicants. Please indicate on your application if you are able to plant the tree yourself or need assistance.

  • Please note: This program does not include the removal of an existing tree(s) to make space for the new tree.

Planting Your Tree


American Sweetgum
Liquidambar styraciflua

Size of Plant: 5’ Tall
Mature Size: 50’H x 40’W
Foliage: Deciduous

Easy to grow U.S. native tree with great foliage and fall color. Develops a handsome oval habit and good branching structure.Adaptable to different soil types and loves full sun.

Upright Sargent Cherry
Prunus sargentii 'Columnaris'

Size of Plant: 6’-7’ Tall
Mature Size: 25’H x 10’W
Foliage: Deciduous

Narrow upright flowering tree that can fit into a variety of landscape situations. Beautiful pink flowers appear in the early spring. Great orange to red fall color. Prefers loamy, well-drained soil and lots of sun.

Upright Japanese Zelkova
Zelkova serrata 'Musashino'

Size of Plant: 7’ Tall
Mature Size: 45’H x 15’W
Foliage: Deciduous

Very upright, almost fastigiate in habit. Pruned in youth to promote good branching structure. Narrow shape allows it to fit in almost any yard. Great fall color later in the season. Adaptable and easy to grow.

Katsura Tree
Cercidiphyllum japonicum

Size of Plant: 7’ Tall
Mature Size: 40’H x 30’W
Foliage: Deciduous

Outstanding medium sized tree with an upright round shaped, attracted emerging foliage, and glorious fall color that smells like cotton candy. Likes full sun and moist, well-drained soils.

Weeping Alaskan Cedar
Cupressus nootkatensis 'Pendula'

Size of Plant: 5’ Tall
Mature Size: 40’H x 20’W
Foliage: Evergreen

An attractive evergreen native to the Pacific Northwest. Pendulous branchlets give the plant a formal appearance and make for a nice focal point. With time, the plant becomes tall and narrow. Well-drained soils are a must.

Ostrya virginiana

Size of Plant: 7’ Tall
Mature Size:
30'H x 30'W
Foliage: Deciduous

Underutilized native tree with great yellow fall color, interesting hop-like fruit and peeling bark. Common in woodlands throughout Rhode Island. Adaptable to different soil types and will take partial shade. Needs moisture to get established.

Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple
Acer Saccharum Fall Fiesta®

Size of Plant: 7’ Tall
Mature Size:
50'H x 40'W
Foliage: Deciduous

An improvement of regular sugar maple. Grows slightly smaller, with a more compact, rounded crown. Fall color in October is electric, with yellow, reds, and oranges appearing on the tree at once. Prefers rich, loamy soils.

Sweetbay Magnolia
Magnolia virginiana

Plant Size: 7’ Tall
Mature Size: 25'H x 20'W
Foliage: Semi-evergreen

Superb small magnolia with lemon scented flowers in June, and lustrous green foliage sporting silver undersides. Tolerates moist soils, full sun, and some partial shade.

Goldenrain Tree
Koelreuteria paniculata

Size of Plant: 6’ Tall
Mature Size:
20'H x 20'W
Foliage: Deciduous

Excellent summer flowering tree, with boisterous yellow blooms appearing in July. Avoid string trimmer and mower damage. Interesting compound foliage brings a nice texture to the landscape. likes full sun and well-drained soils.

Pitch Pine
Pinus rigida

Size of Plant: 5’ Tall
Mature Size:
35'H x 20'W
Foliage: Evergreen

Adaptable native pine that tolerates heat and poor soils. Known for its attractive foliage and orange brown bark. Serves well as a screen or a specimen.

Yellow Ribbon Arborvitae
Thuja occidentalis 'Yellow Ribbon'

Size of Plant: 4’-5’’ Tall
Mature Size:
20'H x 10'W
Foliage: Evergreen

Specimen evergreen with yellow foliage. Yellow color brightest on new growth. Contrasts well with other evergreens. Adaptable to different soils but needs full sun for best growth. Grows quickly once established.